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Discover How A Business Advisory Board Can Grow Your Company

At The Alternative Board (TAB), we often hear from business owners who feel they can’t properly share the challenges they face as an owner with their friends, family, or even employees. We’ve heard many business owners use the phrase, “It’s lonely at the top.” Owners often seek out advice through small business networking groups but quickly realize that networking isn't going to help them connect.

Small business owner peer groups (sometimes called business mastermind groups) are available to discuss problems and build goals as a collective; a business owner advisory board.

By reading 19 Reasons You Need a Business Owner Advisory Board you will:

  • Learn what makes a business owner advisory board different than other types of peer-to-peer groups
  • Find out how business owners come together to solve problems during a TAB board meeting
  • Receive guidance on how to choose the best business advisory board for your company

Member's Feedback

You need someone else to look at you and say this is what you're doing right, this is what you're doing wrong

— Deborah Smook | Turbofil Packaging Machines

The Board helped me with accountability...
Prioritizing and focusing my time where I am really working on the business

— Ben Allen | Allen Technology Advising

Boards are very good at having a broad swath of industries and experience that people bring to the table 

— Joseph DiGangi | Trusant Technologies

Whatever your business is, you always have to be bringing new ideas to the the table, new products, new marketing

— Nancy Shultz | North Highland Company

My Board Members were the only ones that were brutally honest with me about the changes I needed to make; it was the truth I needed to hear

— Kimberley Stufflet | Preferred Aviation Underwriters

Boards 'professionalize' my business, to learn what others were doing, and how to...make your business more organized 

— Saul Goldfarb | Goldfarb & Associates

It's great to now have a group of individuals who can challenge me and help me avoid making the same mistakes they did

— Steve Burgess | Guidant Partners

My personal stress level today compared to prior to TAB has been reduced by 70%

— Bill Boisvenue | BSC Solutions Group, Ltd.

Membership Benefits

The Alternative Board™ helps business owners and leaders confidently reach their financial and strategic goals. We offer busy entrepreneurs a powerful, streamlined program that includes peer advisory boards, one-on-one coaching, expert speakers, robust business tools and invaluable TAB connections.


TAB Board Meeting

The owner-to-owner monthly session is the foundation of our services


Business Coaching

One-on-one or virtual meeting with your management facilitator to laser-focus on your unique experience & issues will provide you with technology and solutions that work


TAB Connect

Your worldwide network of fellow business owners & professionals for counsel and opportunities in your state


Business Builder’s Blueprint™

A proven strategy including an audit, planning, and implementation processes for companies looking to improve