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The Alternative Board Blog

A Great Employee Experience Can Lead to Greater Retention

Aug. 2, 2023 | Posted by Lee Polevoi

We all know about the importance of a positive customer experience. Lately, word is spreading about the employee experience, defined by BetterUp as “the interactions an employee has with people, systems, policies, and the physical and virtual workspace.”

How employees feel about the organization they work for, as well as their view of its impact on their careers and wellness, has become increasingly critical in terms of both recruitment and retention.

How would you rate the employee experience (EX) at your company? Do employees feel positive about the organization? Do they have a strong connection with its mission, culture, and values? Just as importantly, are these employees engaged in their work, or is their experience so problematic that they might start looking elsewhere for future employment?

To recruit and retain employees, their experience in the workplace should merit attention. Here are tips on promoting a strong employee experience:

Foster a diverse workplace.

People from differing backgrounds and cultures can add a lot to a company’s EX. A diverse workplace “encourages creativity and innovation because every team member, from leadership to frontline workers, brings their own unique background, experience, and perspective to the table,” notes Workhuman. Fostering diversity helps employees feel welcome and valued.

Offer real-time feedback.

Employees sometimes feel concern when they don’t have a good sense of how well their performance is perceived by others. Waiting for an annual or semi-annual performance assessment “is an inefficient approach to human capital management.”

Offering real-time feedback can significantly improve an employee’s work performance, while also building a more trusting relationship and a renewed willingness to succeed.

Keep communicating!

While certain company information is sensitive and not meant for everyone, there’s still a lot CEOs and business owners can do to enhance communications with employees. Look at different ways to spread the word about organizational performance and direction—everything from an email or chat forum to brief and appealing videos about forthcoming initiatives.

When employees feel “connected through executive hosted two-way communication forums, social media campaigns, and town halls,” says Blue Beyond Consulting, they often feel “their perspective is welcome and encouraged.”

Recognize individual achievements.

Recognizing employees for outstanding work is key to enhancing the employee experience. Try to avoid generalized recognition—either for a team or individual—that can fall flat with those it’s most intended to impress. By detailing precisely why a team member is being singled out for praise, you reinforce company objectives and encourage others to excel at their jobs.

Above perks, promotions, and even raises, employees want to see their contributions valued by the organization. Offering regular acknowledgment of their efforts helps decrease turnover, because employees feel appreciated for what they do.

Want additional insight? Download Easy Ways to Improve Your Company Culture


Help employees advance in their careers.

Employees who see potential advancement within the company often feel more engaged and upbeat about their work. Look into creating a schedule of ongoing development workshops or classes, thus setting up employee expectations that training is a key part of their job responsibilities.

Rather than any one-time training event, focus instead on providing a range of growth opportunities. Since everyone learns at a different pace, look at flexible learning options, including mobile and on-demand courses, that better fit an employee’s schedule and their ability to absorb new information.

Paying closer attention to the employee experience keeps people engaged and morale high. That is reason enough to do all you can to make the experience as favorable as possible.

Want to learn more? Check out our free TAB Boss webinar, “Culture—If You Build It, They Will Stay.”

Read our 19 Reasons You Need a Business Owner Advisory Board


Written by Lee Polevoi

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