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Successful Business Tips

The Alternative Board

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How to Create an Effective Brand Strategy for Your Business
May. 6, 2015 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Even if you haven't officially started drafting a brand strategy, you've likely put some thought into your brand and what it...
The Six Best Business Assessment and Analysis Tools
May. 1, 2015 | Posted by The Alternative Board
“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.” - Sun Tzu Regardless of size,...
3 Ways That Socially Driven Companies Can Fuel Success
Apr. 16, 2015 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Very few business owners are driven solely by profits. In order to withstand the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, leaders must...
What is a Business Assessment, and When Do You Need One?
Feb. 23, 2015 | Posted by The Alternative Board
We’ve already explained the 5 steps in TAB’s strategic business leadership process: Vision - Personal and business SWOT analysis
How Business Owners Would Do It Differently With Another Chance
Jan. 28, 2015 | Posted by The Alternative Board
The Alternative Board likes to know what entrepreneurs and small business owners are thinking — how optimistic are they going...
10 To Do's for the New Year: A Checklist for Small Businesses
Jan. 23, 2015 | Posted by The Alternative Board
The beginning of the year is a great time to step back from the day-to-day operations of your business and make time to cross a...
Asset Protection Strategies to Secure Your Business
Dec. 18, 2014 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Photo by Mark Rain Whether your industry is health care, marketing, or whatever else, asset protection is vital to your...
Top 10 Ways to Improve Productivity in Your Workplace
Dec. 9, 2014 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Dave Scarola, Chief Marketing Technologist, TAB I’m amazed at the number of people – including executives – who do their job...
What Strategic Buyers Will Look For in Your Business
Dec. 2, 2014 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Is selling your company part of your exit strategy? Here are 5 big considerations a strategic buyer will look at when evaluating...
Building a Strategic Plan Using a 36 Month Planning Horizon
Nov. 25, 2014 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Strategic plan planning horizons. Are yours as short and chopped up as a horizon between downtown buildings, or are they like...
Why Strategic Plans Must Consider Manager Incentives
Nov. 21, 2014 | Posted by The Alternative Board
Your company might have a brilliant strategic plan in terms of growth and competition. But does it take your manager incentives...

Most people don't think that they have enough time to understand and learn about how to create or start a successful small business using things like social media such as Facebook and Twitter, email, running website optimizations, making great personal and company tasks for the day and the year, using best practices, and more. With our easy to understand online blog posts about a wide range of topics such as money security, the free market, growing customers, starting the process of building a better product, and access to the tips and tricks that successful entrepreneurs that work with us share, you'll easily be able to follow the main point being made and move on to the next article with ease. It is our hope that after reading some of our articles that you will think to yourself, "I've got to get going on starting my business before my opportunities pass me by!" There is no particular order in which the articles need to be read, so pick a topic that interests you and start learning!