Years before HBO’s Succession became a popular and acclaimed series, children/siblings born into family firms faced all the same challenges that plague Succession’s next gens (Connor, Kendall, Roman, and Shiv):
These incredibly common problems are often ignored completely or seen as part of the “normal” dynamics of family businesses. Thus, family members are brought into the business, or remain there, despite a lack of skills, interest, valuable experience, motivation, or simply a really poor fit between the family business and the family member.
As we are seeing play out fictionally on HBO, family members who don’t have an independent sense of self-esteem and self-regard can be ticking time bombs; ones that impacts their own mental health, relationships, as well as the success of the business. While Succession makes for compelling TV, this issue alone can lead to years of overwhelming stress, conflict, addiction, and worse.
This program is designed for those to wish to gain insight into this often-overlooked dynamic, as well as those who are actively working through such situations. Family business leaders can learn key strategies to avoid “trapping” family members, and to manage those who are already there.
You need someone else to look at you and say this is what you're doing right, this is what you're doing wrong
The Board helped me with accountability...
Prioritizing and focusing my time where I am really working on the business
Boards are very good at having a broad swath of industries and experience that people bring to the table.
Whatever your business is, you always have to be bringing new ideas to the table, new products, new marketing
My Board Members were the only ones that were brutally honest with me about the changes I needed to make; it was the truth I needed to hear
Boards 'professionalize' my business, to learn what others were doing, and how to...make your business more organized
It's great to now have a group of individuals who can challenge me and help me avoid making the same mistakes they did
My Personal stress level today compared to prior to TAB has been reduced by 70%